Thursday June 9th

TO get moving start with 400m Run
20 good mornings with barbell
20 kip swings
Then- together- EMPTY BAR
15 snatch grip high pulls from power position
15 Power Position power snatch
15 Hang Position power snatch from mid thigh

Every :30 for 12 Minutes (24 sets)
1 Hang Power Snatch from mid-thigh
Stimulus: Technique/Heavy Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: Coaches should instruct athletes their athletes that they have 24 opportunities to get better at the snatch. With a new set starting every :30 there will not be a lot of time between reps so the weight should stay in the 40-70% range of the athlete’s 1RM vs. going super heavy. If athletes are moving well they can go above 70% but the reps should look crisp and “snappy”.

2 Rounds
18 Toes to Bar
30 DB Hang Snatches 50/35
90 Double Unders

Feel: Gas/Muscle Overload Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: Should not exceed 10 Minutes with most finishing in 7-9 minutes. Firebreather Score: Sub-6 Minutes

–  Toes to Bar: Should not exceed 3 sets. May be reduced to as few as 10 reps, but if fewer
than 10 reps is appropriate, scale to kipping knee raises
–  DB Snatch: For more advanced athletes, have them use the slightly heavier than usual
prescribed DB. Athletes should be fighting for 1-2 sets, but 3 is acceptable. Otherwise reduce DB weight.
–  Double Unders: Should not exceed :90 in either set. If an athlete does not have double
unders scale is 150 single unders