Wednesday April 20th

2:00/Side Pigeon Stretch
1:00/Side Twisted Cross
Alternating EMOM 6:00
1. 7 Box Jumps
2. 10 Banded good mornings

Deadlift 2×15
**You will do more than 2 sets, 1 light set of 15 then several sets of less than 15 reps as you build to final set of 15 which we want you to push to be heavier than your set of 12 last week
**Coach Focus: With one fewer set working sets coaches may be inclined to think that this session will go faster, but on the contrary, this session may take longer that other sessions. Same goal as the prior week, meaning athletes try to lift as much, or more than, their previous session

AMRAP 14 Minutes
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
25′ Single DB OH Lunge 50/35lbs
1 Rope Climb
25′ Single DB OH Lunge 50/35lbs

Feel: Cardio

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 4-7+ Rounds

Firebreather Score: 9+ Rounds


  • BJO: Reduce height of box before reps. If an athlete cannot jump, modify to 10/8 calorie Machine, avoid rowing if possible.
  • Lunge: Should remain in unbroken 25’ sections. Reduce the loading before changing the movement. If overhead positioning is an issue, modify to a single DB front rack lunge.
  • Rope Climb: Should not exceed :30 to complete in any round. Modify to climb from supine or 5 strict pull ups per round.

Coach Focus: We are looking for a merry-go-round style workout which means that coaches need to give all athletes a version that allows them to stay moving for the entire duration. If logistics are an issue, consider having some of your athletes starting on the lunge and some on the rope climb to create a stagger that will allow a larger class to start in unison.